NeXT Nugget News Digest (vol. 4, issue 14, September 15, 1992) TABLE OF CONTENTS I. NeXT User Group Discounts on Bulk Book Orders II. Internet User Guide III. 1992 Mathematica Conference: Tokyo, Japan IV. NeXTSTEP programmer Position open at Archetype V. MusicKit update VI. Appsoft Draw is Now Available on the Archives VII. NeXT CD-ROM Creation Solution VIII. WarpIt Image Tool for NeXT computers begins shipping IX. NeXTSTEP Database Programmer Wanted ____________________________________________________________________ To submit articles or announcements to appear in the Nugget Digest, please send your contributions to the following address: Conrad Geiger Manager, International NeXT User Groups ____________________________________________________________________ I. NeXT User Group Discounts on Bulk Book Orders Within the US and Canada, we offer User Groups a 10% discount if they order 5 or more books, ordered at the same time and shipped to the same address. The person to contact about discounts is Kerri Bonasch , O'Reilly & Associates, Inc, 103A Morris Street, Sebastopol, CA 95472, 707-829-0515. Outside of the US and Canada, our distribution is handled by Addison Wesley International. Outside North America, see the addresses below for bulk orders: Karen Lewis O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. 103 Morris Street, Suite A Sebastopol, CA 95472 Telephone: 1-800-998-9938 Fax: 1-707-829-0104 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Overseas Distributors AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND (orders and inquiries) Addison-Wesley Publishers, Pty. Ltd. 6 Byfield Street North Ryde, N.S.W. 2113 AUSTRALIA Telephone: 61-2-878-5411 FAX: 61-2-888-9404 UNITED KINGDOM & AFRICA (orders and inquiries) Addison-Wesley Publishers Ltd. Finchampstead Road Wokingham, Berkshire RG11 2NZ ENGLAND Telephone: 44-734-794000 FAX: 44-734-794035 EUROPE & MIDDLE EAST (orders and inquiries) Addison-Wesley Publishing Group Concertgebouwplein 25 1071 LM Amsterdam THE NETHERLANDS Telephone: 31-20-671-72-96 FAX: 31-20-664-53-34 LATIN AMERICA (inquiries) Addison-Wesley Iberamericana S.A. de C.V. Blvd. de las Cataratas No. 3 Jardines del Pedregal Delegacion Alvaro Obregon Mexico 01900, D. F. MEXICO Telephone: 525-568-3705 FAX: 525-568-3735 LATIN AMERICA (orders) Addison-Wesley Publishing Company International Order Department Jacob Way Reading, MA 01867 U.S.A. Telephone: 1-617-944-3700 FAX: 1-617-942-2829 ASIA except JAPAN (inquiries) Addison-Wesley (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 15 Beach Road 05-02/09/10 Beach Centre SINGAPORE 0718 Telephone: 65-339-7503 FAX: 65-339-9709 ASIA except JAPAN (orders) Addison-Wesley Publishing Company International Order Department Jacob Way Reading, MA 01867 U.S.A. Telephone: 1-617-944-3700 FAX: 1-617-942-2829 JAPAN (orders and inquiries) Toppan Company, Ltd. (all books) Ochanomizu Square B, 1-6 Kanda Surugadai Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101 JAPAN Telephone: 81-3-3295-3461 FAX: 81-3-3293-5963 JAPAN (orders and inquiries) Maruzen Company, Limited (X Window System Series only) 3-10 Nihonbashi, 2-Chome Chuo-Ku, Tokyo, 103 JAPAN Telephone: 81-3-3275-8585 FAX: 81-3-3274-3238 ___________________________________________________________________ II. Internet User Guide The Whole Internet User's Guide and Catalog By Ed Krol O'Reilly and Associates o 400 pages (approx); Will probably include a quickref o $24.95; quantity discounts available o ISBN 1-56592-025-2 o Available September 10, 1992 (available overseas in late October) o Order from ORA directly (1-800-998-9938) or your local bookstore "The Whole Internet" is a complete and comprehensive introduction to the Internet for new users. In the Nutshell tradition, it contains "all you need to know" about the Internet to get started and to make use of it. The author, Ed Krol, has been around the Internet for years, and is well-known as the author of RFC 1118, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Internet." However, this book is more than an update of the "Hitchhiker's Guide": it's a complete new work, aimed at readers who are new to the Net; users who have been poking around the Net, but haven't really figured out how to use it well; and even users who have been around for a while, but want to read up on some of the newer services that are available. We started this project when we were asked to write a book that would answer most of the questions that a new Internet user brings to a network administrator. The challenge was very frank: "If you've succeeded, I can stick a note on my door telling users to buy this book before bugging me with questions--and then only deal with real problems." We think we've succeeded. If you're an administrator, you can recommend this book, and watch your workload decline. If you're a new user, you can read this book and avoid dealing with your grumpy admin. Another of our goals was evangelistic: to generate interest among people who are only vaguely familiar with the Internet. We did this by showing what the Network offers--most specifically, in the form of a Resource Catalog that lists a broad range of the resources that are out there, ranging from the Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews to Project Hermes (law) to Not Just Cows (agriculture) and the University of Stuttgart's wonderful online cookbook. We chose to make this list as broad and eclectic as possible. It's not a list of free software sources, for example; it's a list that anyone from a high-school teacher to a theologian can pick up, glance at, and say "yes, that's interesting; this Internet thing might be worthwhile." Of course, this book offers everything that you'd expect in a book about the Internet--a little history, how the net works, addressing, and general background on what you're allowed to do. We cover the standard Internet services--telnet, ftp, mail, news, white-pages, including "minor" applications like talk and chat. We give advice on what to do and what not to do: how electronic mail differs from postal mail or a phone message, how to avoid poorly thought-out news postings that can start seemingly endless flame wars. But basic knowledge of the tools and etiquetter is only half the problem. To a new user--or even to an old user--the Internet is fairly confusing and disorganized. Finding what you want can be like searching for a needle in a haystack. Not long ago, the only way to find out about Internet resources was to keep you ear to the ground, attend conferences, and talk to gurus. Our Resource Catalog only partly solves this problem: we've had to be selective, and new resources are added daily. Four new Internet applications--Archie, the Gopher, WAIS, and the World-Wide Web (WWW)--provide the real solution. These four tools are like "reference librarians" that let you find, with relatively little trouble, exactly what you want: Archie points you at files in FTP archives. It's particularly useful for finding free software; Gopher is a general tool for accessing any Internet resource, via subject-oriented menus; WAIS is an extremely powerful tool for searching large libraries and collections, based on keywords; WWW organizes all of the Internet's resources in terms of a "hypertext" model. You can move between resources by following "links." To a new user, these are the tools that make the Internet worthwhile. This is the only book we know of that covers all of these tools. CONTENTS: 1: What Is This Book About? 2: What is the Internet? 3: How the Internet Works 4: What's Allowed on the Internet 5: Remote Login: Telnet 6: Moving a File: FTP 7: Electronic Mail 8: Network News 9: Finding Software: Archie 10: Finding Someone 11: Finding Anything: Gopher 12: Searching Libraries: WAIS 13: The World as Hypertext: WWW 14: Other Applications 15: Dealing with Problems Resources of the Internet A: Service Providers B: International Network Connectivity C: Acceptable Use INDEX The Resource Catalog portion of the book will be available through the Internet. We haven't decided on actually how (anonymous FTP, WAIS resource, hypertext?), so stay tuned for details. --------------------------------------------------------------------- This and other O'Reilly books are available through bookstores or directly from the publisher. For a list of our overseas distributors or US bookstores mail, FAX, or call 707-829-0515. US and Canada: To order from the publisher, write to O'Reilly & Associates, 103A Morris St, Sebastopol, CA 95472, call 1-800-998-9938, or FAX 707-829-0104. Email questions to or uunet!ora!nuts. Karen Lewis O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. ____________________________________________________________________ III. 1992 Mathematica Conference: Tokyo, Japan ******************************* 1992 MATHEMATICA CONFERENCE TOKYO, JAPAN OCTOBER 17 1992 ******************* The 1992 Mathematica Conference is an opportunity to gain training in Mathematica, and to find out how people across science,technology, engineering, and education are using Mathematica. It will feature a keynote address by Stephen Wolfram, the principle architect of Mathematica, Mathematica tutorials, a question and answer session, and a wide range of Mathematica user presentations. The conference is intended not only for users at all levels, but also for people interested in learning more about Mathematica. LOCATION -------- Kyoiku Kaikan 3rd Floor Itsuhashi 2-6-2 Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101 Telephone: 03-3230-2831 TIMES ----- ** 10:30: Welcome Gathering ** 11:00: Opening Address, Stephen Wolfram, President of Wolfram Research "State of Mathematica" ** 12:30: Roman Maeder, Churihi Science Institute "Programming in Mathematica" ** 13:30-18:00: Japanese User Presentations - various users will present their experience with Mathematica in their individual research and study. Tutorials - Introduction to Mathematica, Introduction to Programming in Mathematica, Data Analysis and Graphics, Numerical Analysis Exhibition area for related products and publications Problem Solving/Question Room ** 18:00-20:00: Reception REGISTRATION ------------ The entrance fee is free and interested people are encouraged to pre-register at: Scientist-sha Attention Mr. Matsuo Ono Yamazaki Building 3-2 Kanda Suragadai Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101 Tel: Country code 81-3-3253-8992 Fax: 81-3-3255-6847 Please provide this information: Name: Address: Telephone number: Fax number: How long have you been using Mathematica? a. 2 years b. 1 year c. Just began d. Thinking of using Which system do you use? a. Unix b. Macintosh c. PC d. NEC 98 e. Other What is your area of interest? a. mathematics b. physics c. economics d. calculations e. communication f. government Which tutorial interests you? a. Introduction b. Programming c. Data Analysis and Graphics d. Numerical Analysis The sponsors of the Conference are Qualitas Japan, Sumisho Electronics, National Federation of of University Co-operative Association, Hulinks, ASR International, Japan Information Processing Service, and Wolfram Research. ____________________________________________________________________ IV. NeXTSTEP programmer Position open at Archetype Archetype is looking for a senior programmer to work on their NeXT document engine. They are located in Waltham, MA. Archetype needs a highly experienced NeXT programmer, preferably one with publishing experience. Contact: Archetype at ____________________________________________________________________ V. MusicKit update NeXT is unbundling the MusicKit. CCRMA (the computer music research center at Stanford University) is taking over the development and support for the MusicKit. This is good for several reasons: * CCRMA can do a better job of maintaining and developing the MusicKit than NeXT - NeXT lacked the dedicated resources and the time to give the MusicKit the attention it deserved. * In the past, releases of the MusicKit have been tied to major releases of NeXTSTEP, usually once every 12-18 months. Now, CCRMA will be in a position to release upgrades and bugfixes more frequently. With our internal resources free to focus on other Sound and Music related stuff, we've implemented a bunch of improvements in the SoundKit and MIDI drivers (which we are NOT unbundling). A few of the new features you can expect in Release 3.0 of NeXTSTEP include: * Real time mixing of sounds * Audio Transform Coding to give you 4:1 to 10:1 data reduction without affecting sound quality * High-quality sample rate conversion of arbitrary ratios * A leaner, meaner MIDI driver (thanks to David Jaffe) with support for MIDI time code NeXT is working with CCRMA to make it easy for eveyone in the world to get the MusicKit for Release 3.0. I can't tell you (yet) about the schedule for CCRMA's release of the MusicKit. We still have to deliver a full-fledged Release 3.0 to them (and the rest of the world), and as I mentioned, there's still an important signature that's missing before CCRMA is legally empowered to distribute the MusicKit. Stay tuned for more news as it breaks. We'll keep the nextmusic mailing list (email to join) informed. - Robert Poor NeXT Computer, Inc ____________________________________________________________________ VI. Appsoft Draw is Now Available on the Archives August, 1992, Redwood City California. A fully functional version of Appsoft Draw which you can authorize for 30 days has been posted to the sonata and nova archives under /pub/next/submissions! Appsoft Draw is the first mainstream drawing tool designed specifically for NeXTSTEP. We are extremely pleased with the product's success and think you will enjoy it as well. It has been shipping for only two months and is already being described as "the perfect NeXTSTEP drawing package." Chuck Hansen at Motorola writes that Appsoft Draw is "awesome." Independent designer Michael Bodily says, "Draw is easier to use than Illustrator. It's perfect for corporate or in-house use." NeXTWORLD magazine calls it "ideal as a basic drawing tool for both general users and professional illustrators." Find out for yourself. Here's how it works. You have to first download the AppsoftDraw.tar file and install it. Then when you start your copy of Draw, you will be asked to call Appsoft, toll free, at 1-800-428-2777. When you call us and give us your serial number, we will give you an authorization number on the spot which will turn on Draw for 30 days. If you get stuck, consult the fully indexed Help files included with the application. Or call us direct and we will be happy to help you out. Spread the word about Appsoft Draw! Feel free to give a copy of your demo disk to anybody else with a NeXT machine. Enter the Appsoft Draw Art Contest described in the enclosed flier. Send us your creations and you could win free copies of Appsoft Draw and Appsoft Image, our new photo editing and image processing package due out in September. Above all, tell us what you think about the application. We are always interested in feedback and suggestions. Peter Seymour Director of Sales Email: Appsoft, Inc. 255 Shoreline Dr., Suite 520 Redwood City, CA 94065 415 802-2900 fax 415 592-6043 ____________________________________________________________________ VII. NeXT CD-ROM Creation Solution For those NeXT users and user groups thinking about creating a CD-ROM disk, here is one solution: the Young Minds CDROM formatting software used to create tapes. Their contact information is: Young Minds, Inc. 1910 Orange Tree Lane, Suite 300 Redlands, CA 92374 Phone: (714) 335-1350 Fax: (714) 798-0488 They make software for creating both ISO9660 and Rockridge CDROM format disks. For duplication of disks: 3M does duplication. 3M's main office contact information is: 3M Optical Recording 1425 Parkway Drive Menomie, WI 54751 (800) 336-3636 ____________________________________________________________________ VIII. WarpIt Image Tool for NeXT computers begins shipping MIDIapolis Systems and Black Adder Research announce distribution agreement MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota, August, 1992 -- Black Adder Research announced today the release of WarpIt, an image manipulation application for NeXT computers. MIDIapolis Systems announced an agreement with Black Adder Research in which MIDIapolis Systems will distribute WarpIt through its dealers. "WarpIt is a powerful image processing tool, the first of its kind on the NeXT platform", said William Rozzi, owner of Black Adder Research. WarpIt allows user to perform animated transformations of digital images, similar to the morphing effects featured in recent videos and feature films. For example, an image of a person's face could be distorted over a series of frames to make their nose grow. The resulting sequence may be edited, played back, and saved as an animation file. In addition to the non-linear mesh warp, WarpIt includes rotation, shear, perspective, mirroring, and scale change operations, all implemented using non-aliasing algorithms. "It's another step towards establishing NeXT as a leader in the computer graphics world", said Gerard Schwarz, president of MIDIapolis Systems. WarpIt is expected to be used in a large variety of fields including graphic arts for photo correction and electronic caricatures, law enforcement for mug shots using composites of warped real images, multimedia for still graphics and animations, cartography for image registration, and for the development of icons from real images. Price and availability WarpIt is available now from MIDIapolis Systems' dealers including NeXTConnection for a suggested list price of $###.##. For more information about WarpIt contact MIDIapolis Systems directly. MIDIapolis Systems, located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is a software developer that specializes in multimedia and graphics software. WarpIt follows their release of SoundBursts Digital Sound Collections for NeXT Computers in March 1992. Black Adder Research, located in Stillwater, Minnesota, was founded in 1991 to develop high-quality graphic tools for NeXT computers. Contacts: Gerard Schwarz William Rozzi MIDIapolis Systems Black Adder Research 3208 W. Lake St Suite 133 730 Norell Ave North Minneapolis, MN 55416 Stillwater, MN 55082 612-822-1604 612-436-5021 WarpIt and Black Adder Research are trademarks of Black Adder Research. NeXT is a trademark of NeXT Computer, Inc. Display Postscript and Postscript are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc. ____________________________________________________________________ IX. NeXTSTEP Database Programmer Wanted Encompass, a well funded startup backed by two fortune 100 companies is in the business of providing logistics solutions to major international corporations. We're located in Cary, NC. Our group uses an in-house developed application, on the NeXT, to develop EDI transactions for our customers. We make extensive use of NeXT workstations and VAX networks. Please call (collect is ok) or e-mail and I'll be glad to tell you more about our company and what we do. James "Cliff" Elam (919) 380-6522 (v,w) Email: (NeXT mail) ____________________________________________________________________ end